Name of the Teacher     : Littu George                                                                    Standard: IX A
Name of the School: A.P.H.S.S,Adichanalloor                                                      Strength: 42/44
Subject: English                                                                                                   Duration: 40min
Unit                             : IV, Dawn of Hope                                                   Date      :04-01-2018
Topic                           : The Jungle Air Crash(paragraph1-3)
Theme                            : Power of Hope
Subthemes                   : Inspiration,optimism,compassion,disaster management
Content Analysis:The Jungle Air crash is a survival story written by JulianeKoepcke.It is an extractfrom her memoir ‘When I Fell From The Sky’. She is a German Biologist, who is best known as the sole survivor among 92 passengers and crew in the 24 December 1971 crash of Lansa Flight 508.Juliane and her mother boarded Lansaairlines; they were going to Pucallpa to spend Christmas with her father. There was a holiday mood on the plane as everyone and everything seemed normal andpleasant. But after 30 minutes the aircraft flew into a thunderstorm and crashed into a dense forest hundreds of kilometres away from civilisation.

Curricular Objectives:The learner,
1. faces challenges in life with confidence
   2. managesdisaster effectively
3. preparesnews reports
4. readsand analyses prose passage
Pre-requisites:The learner,
1.has heard about plane crash
  2.knows about jungle stories
3.knows to prepare news report
Teaching learning
Resources: English course book of standard IX,source book,dictionary,PowerPoint

       Classroom Interaction Process
                         Pupils Response
Initial Intraction
     Teacher engages in an informal talk to create a good rapport with the students
1. Would you like to travel in a plane?
2. Have you ever travelled in it?
3. Have you ever heard about air crashes and its aftereffects?
Entry Activity
      Teacher creates mental readiness in the pupils by showing the pictures of air crash and asks the students a few questions

1..What do you see in these pictures?
2.What might have happened to the passengers?
3.Did you heard about any air crash survivors?
Link Talk
Teacher connects the answer to topic and says about aircrashes and its aftereffects and says today we are going to read a narrative written by JulianeKoepcke.Teacher shows the picture of JulianeKoepcke and gives a brief description about her.

Juliane Margret Koepcke, is a German biologist,born in Peru,on 10 October,1954. She is best known as the sole survivor among 92 passengers and crew in 24 December 1971 crash of Lansa flight 508 in the Peruvian rainforest. Her memoir When I fell From the Sky is an international best seller and is “a gripping account of a harrowing adventure and an inspiring life
      Teacher writes the title and name of the author on the black board and gives a brief description about the paragraphs.

Reading Process
Loud reading by the teacher
Teacher reads the paragraphs aloud with correct pronunciation, stress, intonation and pause
Silent reading by the students
The pupils are asked to read the paragraphs silently and keep track of their reading by noting,what they have understood, what they have found interesting and surprising and what they found difficult to grasp.
Teacher asks some general questions to ensure reading
1.Who is the central character of the story?
2.In which flight did she travelled?
3.Who is with the protagonist?
4.Juliane was travelling to which place?
Group discussion and sharingPupils are asked to sit and share their ideas.
Glossary or Dictionary reference
Teacher shows the meaning words with pictures.
ECOLOGIST:A person who studies the natural relationship between the air,land,water and animals.

ORNITHOLOGIST:A person who studies about birds

AISLE:A long narrow space between rows of seats

STEWARDESS:A person who serves on a ship or an aircraft

HORIZON: The line where the sky seems to touch the land or sea

Megaphoning the doubts
Teacher asks the students to be with their peers and clear their doubts,if clarification is not given within the group, they can seek the help of the teacher.
Loud reading by the pupils
     Teacher asks one or two students to read the paragraphs loudly with proper stress, intonation, pronunciation and pause.
Scaffolding Questions
     Teacher asks a few scaffolding questions to the students
1. Why did the narrator spend a lot of time in the jungle?
2. Where was Juliane sitting?
3. Why was there a holiday mood on the plane?
4. What happened when the flight took off?
5.How did the people inside the plane reacted?
6. Why did Juliane’s mother say, “now it’s all over”?
7.How did Juliane fall?

Group Activity
     Teacher divides the whole class into four groups and asks the students to write a news report about the crash of Julianes’sflight.

Presentation and editing
      Teacher asks the group leaders to present their products. Teacher helps the students to edit it.
Teacher’s Version
        Teacher presented her own version of the answer
Staff reporter
December 25,1971
 Lima:Lansa Airlines flight 508 is missing. The flight
took off from Lima in the noon with 86 passengers and 6  crew members. The flight wason its way to Pucallpa,Peru. Everything seemed quite normal and pleasant at the first 30 minutes. Pilot reported about the diminish of sight ,violent storm and thunder but he decided to continue the journey apparently because of pressure to meet the holiday schedule,thereafter there is no information about the flight. The storm might  have hit the flight
     According to last information from the flight rescue team flew to the expected destination. The rescue team was not able to find the plane.Government has arranged all the forces to check the flight. President has given strict orders to find out the flight as early as possible and save the survivors.

“I have always enjoyed flying “says the narrator. Would you like to fly? Give reasons.
Teacher gives the summary of the paragraphs taken.

        Students interacted actively

   Students shared their ideas

Students listened carefully and copied the notes in their book

Students carefully observed teacher’s reading  style

Students read silently and gave answers for the questions

Students shared their ideas

Students observed the images carefully

Students wrote the meaning in note book

Students shared ideas with their peer
 Group and seek the help of teacher for
Further clarification

Students read the text properly

Students gave correct answers

Students actively participated

Group leaders presented their products

Students copied teachers version in their
Note books

Students wrote the question in their
Note books

Students listened carefully


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