8 NOVEMBER 2017 WEDNESDAY - As per the B. Ed curriculum, our second schedule of school internship programme for 30 days started. I was allotted in A. P. H. S. S Adichanaloor.  Archana teacher, Naicy teacher, Anju teacher, Reshma teacher, Meenu teacher, Rameez sir, Anu Harshak Sir, Vahid Sir, Rashid Sir,rashid sir,siji teacher,falah sir w. were with me. We reached the school at 9:15 AM and gave the attendance register to the HM and signed it. They arranged seats for us in the staff room. After signing the lesson template, we went to the classes allotted for us.I observed the class of anu harshak sir's class. I got 9A and taught the first lesson plan of the chapter "The Jungle Air-crash" on 6th period.  We left the school at 4PM after the national anthem.

9 NOVEMBER 2017 THURSDAY -  I reached the school at 9:15AM and signed the attendance register. After that we went for the assembly conducted by 8B students. Assembly includes prayer, news, thought, great sayings, appreciation of the poem, quiz and proverb. After Maheshwary of std 10A presented a speech on CV Raman's birthday though his birthday was on Nov 7.After that i went to 9A took the second lesson plan.II observed the class of rameez sir's class in 9A. In the free time i wrote daily dairy and corrected the assignment presented by the students.  and left the school at 4PM.

10 NOVEMBER  2017 FRIDAY - Reached the school at usual time. School youth festival is conducted on the day. Program started at 10AM after the prayer. followed by the welcome speech by PTA president. The following persons gave speeches, HM Sebastian Sir, Staff secretary Raj Mohan Sir. Inauguration was done by ward member Omana. The programs started on 11 AM.  The programs were Malayalam recitation, English recitation, Group songs (Malayalam, Hindi and Urdu). Mime and Oppana. Programs concluded at 4 PM.

13 NOVEMBER 2017 MONDAY - Reached the school at usual time. As it was monday we had assembly which was conducted by 10A students in Hindi. After that i went to 9A and took the attendance and taught the same lesson (Lesson template 3). Students were more active. I observed the classes of Archana teacher in 8A. In the lunch break i checked the assignments and notebooks.  I taught physical education class on PT period(lesson plan 1)  and left the school.

14 NOVEMBER 2017 TUESDAY - After signing the attendance register and I went to english sir to sign the lesson template, i went 9A and continued the lesson "The Jungle Air crash" (Lesson template 4 & 5) in the first and second period as the chemistry teacher was absent. The school conducted a children's day quiz competition. And Reeba Saji of 9A won the first prize and Asiya M of 9A won the second prize. After that I observed the class of meenu teacher and left the school.

15 NOVEMBER 2017 WEDNESDAY - Reached the school at usual time, signed the attendance register and met the concerned teacher and gave the lesson template to sign. I went to 9A.  After the prayer, i took the attendance and continued the lesson "The Jungle Air crash" (Lesson template 6). The social science teacher conducted a quiz competition on the topic "Election Commission". Asiya M of 9A won the first price. No class on second half of the day for me. On that time I prepared questions for achievement and diagnostic tests.  Left the school at 4 PM.

16 NOVEMBER 2017 THURSDAY - Reached the school at 9:15 AM. Attended the assembly conducted by 10B students.I went to 9A and taught the lesson "The Jungle Air crash" (Lesson template 7). Continued the lesson on 6th period of the day also.During the lunch break i prepared for the next days class.I went to 10B for substitution I made a friendly talk with the students and engaged them in a game , students actively participated in the game.We left the school at 4pm

17 NOVEMBER 2017 FRIDAY -  After signing the attendance register and got lesson template signed by Rajmohan sir, i went to 9A in the 1st period. And taught lesson template 9. Continued the lesson on the 3rd period also because Malayalam teacher was absent. A special assembly was conducted to give scholarship from Canara bank for SC/ST  students, Varsha of 10A, Nikhila of 9A and Megha of 8B got the scholarship for their good achievement in the previous class. Before the lunch break, the administrator Mahendren  Sir assigned us a group of 6 students of below average students to take remedial classes. After the lunch break, a group of Health center representatives came and gave MR vaccine to the students.I observed the classes of archana teacher and naicy teacher.i
20 NOVEMBER 2017 MONDAY - Reached the school in usual time. I went to the assembly conducted by 9A students. I went to 9A, took the attendance and  continued the lesson(Lesson template 11). I took the health education class about junk food.

21 NOVEMBER 2017 TUESDAY - Reached the school at 9:30and went to 9A. Continued the lesson "The Jungle Air crash" (Lesson template 12). Reshma teacher conducted a conscientization program on the topic  "Misuse of Mobile phones" followed by myself conducted the same program on "Misuse of internet among school children" in 9B on 4th and 5th period. Corrected the note books and assignment during lunch break.

22 NOVEMBER 2017 WEDNESDAY - Reached school at 9:15AM. signed the attendance and lesson template. Went to 9A and started the new lesson "The jungle Aircrash"role play model (Lesson template 13). During the free time corrected assignments and notebooks. 

23 NOVEMBER 2017 THURSDAY - Reached school at usual time. Attended the  assembly conducted by 9B students. Went to 9A and started the  newlesson "The Last Leaf" (Lesson template 14). Continued the same lesson on 6th period. Left the school at 4PM.I observed the class of naicy teacher

24 NOVEMBER 2017 FRIDAY - Started the teaching in the first period with same lesson "The Last Leaf" (Lesson template 16). A special assembly was conducted at 10:35 AM and distributed cashew nut saplings  by the district panchayath president C.P. Pradeep. The lesson template 17 was taken on the 4th period since malayalam teacher was absent. 

27 NOVEMBER 2017 MONDAY - Reached the school at usual time. And went for the assembly conducted by the class 8A in Sanskrit. Went to 9A and taught the lesson template 18. And continued the lesson on 8th period also. During the free time corrected the assignments and not books.

28 NOVEMBER 2017 TUESDAY -  Reached the school at usual time and took the attendance. Continued the lesson "The Last Leaf" (Lesson template 20). And continued the same lesson in 5th period also.I observed the class of reshma teacher.Left the school at 4 pm

29 NOVEMBER 2017 WEDNESDAY - Reached school at usual time. I went to 9A. And continued the lesson(Lesson template 22) in the observation of option teacher. Corrected the assignments and  notebooks in free time.

30 NOVEMBER 2017 THURSDAY - Reached school at 9:15AM. Signed the attendance register and lesson template. I went to 9A continued the  lesson (Lesson template 23). Because of heavy rain and news of natural calamity school closed early and send the children home.

4 DECEMBER 2017 MONDAY - Reached the school at usual time and signed attendance register and lesson template. I went to the assembly conducted by 8B students. Maheswary of 10A presented AIDS day pledge. Went 9A and continued the lesson (Lesson template 24). Left the school at 4PM.

5 DECEMBER 2017 TUESDAY -  Reached school at usual time and signed the attendance register and lesson template. I went to 9A and continued the chapter "The Last Leaf" (Lesson template 25). Continued the lesson in 8th period also.

6 DECEMBER 2017 WEDNESDAY -  Reached school at 9:15AM. signed the attendance register and lesson template. I went to 9A. And continued the lesson up to closure(Lesson template 27). Conducted achievement test in 3rd and 4th period.I observed the class of meenu teacher Left the school at 4PM.

7 DECEMBER 2017 THURSDAY - Reached the school at 9:15AM. Signed the attendance register and lesson template. I went to the assembly conducted by 10B. Went to 9A in the first period. And taught lesson template 28(Role play model). Option teacher was present for the observation of the class. At 12 PM, a special assembly was conducted and presented 2L rupees to Mubeena of 9B to save her home from attachment from the bank. Among the 2L, 1L is collected by the students of the school and the rest was sponsored by Mr. Ravi Pillai. The entire event was covered by Kairali people channel. 

8 DECEMBER 2017 FRIDAY -  Reached the school at usual time. I went to 9A. And taught the lesson template 29(Advance organizer model). Conducted diagnostic test in 4th period. 
Corrected the assignments and notebook in the free time.

11 DECEMBER 2017 MONDAY -  Reached the school at usual time. I went 9A. In the  first period i took video lesson based on the lesson template 13. And taught lesson template 30 (Concept attainment model ) in 8th period.

12 DECEMBER 2017 TUESDAY - Reached the school at 9:15 AM. Signed the attendance register. I went 9A and took remedial class for preposition with help of a model.. Supervised Art and Health education exam in the class 9A and 9B in 2nd, 3rd and 4th period.

1 JANUARY 2018 MONDAY - After the christmas vaccation we returned to school. the school in usual time after the assembly by the 8A students.Signed the attendance register and went to 9A have a friendly talk with the students.

3 JANUARY 2018 WEDNESDAY-After signing the attendance regisert i went to 9A and gave them the answer sheet of christmas exam given by the english teacher.Ashina noushad and asiya y scored 78 mark out of 80.All students passed for the exam.

4JANUARY 2018 THURSDAY-After signing the attendance register i went for the assembly conducted by8B students and went 8B for the substitution class,.In the free time i wrote achievement test record.we left the school at 4pm.

5JANUARY 2018 FRIDAY-After signing the attendance register I went to 9A and taught the innovative lesson plan for 'The Jungle Aircrash' as the students asked some doubts.I prepared the students for  the assembly of monday,

8JANUARY 2018 MONDAY-After signing the attendance register i went to the assembly conducted by 9A students.after that i went to 9A taught them about the importance of yoga in our life.

9JANUARY 2018 TUESDAY-.After signing the attendance register i went to 9A and taught them some grammar portion which the students asked doubts,In the afternoon school conducted a fairwell meeting for us.they gave us some sweets,In the farewell speeches are given by HM Sebastian Sir, Staff secretary Raj Mohan Sir, Adersh Sir and Suraj Sir followed by teacher trainees representative Archana Ajayan, Muhamed Rameez and Renjit.We all are sad that the teaching practice programme has ended.we left the school at 4 pm.


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